Hip-Hop Star Jay-Z Claims Jesus Was Invented To Control Dumb People, While Smart People Worship Satan

jay z claims jesus was invented to control dumb people while smart people worship satan
Hip Hop star Jay-Z has blasted traditional Christian values in an epic rant where he claims to be part of an exclusive club of “smart people” who worships “our true lord; Satan.” The billionaire rapper has also claimed that “God created Lucifer to be the bearer of truth and light,” and that “Jesus never existed” but was merely a “tool created by smart people to control dumb people.” During a backstage tirade at the Smoothie King Center in New Orleans on Friday, Jay-Z pointed around the room saying, “ya’ll being played.” “There ain’t no Jesus. “Ya’ll slaves to a fake religion. “Do you think I got where I am praying to a guy that don’t exist? “No. I found the guys who invented that guy and I joined the club. “Then I worked my way to the top. “I earned my new form of humanity and maturity when I fully embraced my older brother, Satan.”
The music star claims that Satanism became the “highest form of being” due to the ease of manipulating “mentally-challenged Christians” who “desire to be slaves.” He stated that “there’s real spirituality and guidance in the Church of Satan,” that rewards its followers with “wealth and success,” but “Christians have prayed to God for years and ain’t gotten nothing back, just silence and emptiness.” This, apparently, is what caused Satan to have “gotten a bad rap” from Christians who worship a “fake religion, built by assholes.” Pointing to a small crowd of backstage ticket winners, the multi-Grammy Award-winning musician said: “How many of ya’ll have gotten rich, or famous, after you prayed to God? “Come on, raise your hands?” As the young fans began to murmur nervously, Jay-Z announced: “I can answer for y’all because I am free. “I answer to a higher power. “None of you are rich and none of you are famous because no one is listening to your prayers. “I got everything I wanted because I surrendered to our true lord, Satan. “Because I recognized Jesus is the original fake news, designed to enslave humanity.” “God created Lucifer, not Jesus, so he could rule over us as Satan. “I’m telling you this because I know you guys look up to me and want to emulate me. “I will give you this one guarantee, if you start following the doctrine of Lucifer, you will taste success. “The secret of the universe opens up to you. “It is immediate and glorious.”
The 99 Problems rapper also promoted his Satanic beliefs onstage, telling the audience they should ignore the rules of the venue and the security staff trying to enforce them. Jay-Z instructed his fans to “Do what thou wilt” instead of respecting the rules. jay z wears a sweatshirt emblazoned with the satanic slogan do what though wilt
jay z wears a sweatshirt emblazoned with the satanic slogan do what though wilt

Jay-Z wears a sweatshirt emblazoned with the Satanic slogan ‘Do What Though Wilt’ It’s no secret Jay-Z is a longtime follower of the English occultist founder of the Satanic religion Thelema, Aleister Crowley. The religion is based on the idea that the beginning of the Aeon of Horus was marked by the start of the 20th century, in which a new ethical code would be adhered to: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” This statement indicates that followers, known as Thelemites, should seek out their true path in life, and follow their “True Will.” Jay-Z’s Satanic preaching is just the latest in a long line of public glimpses into the dark side that the rapper has shared. He recreated his image as a dark lord, after starting his career as an aspirational rapper, flashing Illuminati hand gestures and promoting Satanic symbolism as he rose to the top of the music industry. Jay-Z has since attempted to tone down his dark image since establishing himself in the global consciousness as a Devil-worshipping entertainer. However, this latest disturbing rant in New Orleans suggests he has openly embraced the darkest forces in our society, far deeper than ever before. The incident has also sparked fears around the world that the Illuminati has moved onto the next phase of the master plan, and has begun openly promoting sinister spirituality as a viable religious choice for those seeking guidance. Perhaps those most influenced by Jay-Z’s Satanic promotions are his legions of disenfranchised youths, who aspire to one day lead a lifestyle like their hero.

Original Article: http://www.nnettle.com/news/3160-jay-z-satan-is-our-true-lord-only-idiots-believe-in-jesus-


  1. Jay Z obviously hasnt read the story of King Nebuchadnezzar in the Bible & will end up eating grass like he did..or flames & smoke.
    He truely is a puppet in Satan’s stenchy hands & will end up knowing one day that his God has no true power other than to lie to, manipulate & deceive people & that he has no control over his eternal destination!
    ‘Don’t fear him who has power over the body..rather fear Him who has power over the soul & the body’.


    1. Satan Otla dula ele moshanyana khosi engwee feela Emmanuel monga rona.mora ale mong fela eo ntatae a khahlisoang ke ena.


    2. I’m awakened now I have seen both sides and I see Lies in the Church just to promote an make money I have seen ppl like Jz, Prince Kevin Hart and a long list of others sell their Souls for fame an fortune. There is a Creator some call the Creator God, Ala, or Jehovah. But truth is No one has seen the Creator to know if he is a he or a she. Yes the Bible tells us it’s a he but there’s one problem MAN Wrote it. It is tainted by many wicked so call Inspired by God people. You have to believe in yourself and promote your best you without outside dictation of what you should do or who u should be. An yes believe in The Creator because the Creator is your God.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Talking absolute bunkum.JZ is a fool,singing nonsense,no talent. I pity those who listen to such crappy,shallow music


      2. June 9, 2019 9:11- synchronization- it is complete. 9 – end of a chapter, followed by 11 (1 amplified) 1 start of a new chapter, 11 = portals.


      3. God is all ; male and female and be anything he chooses and i know this because i died at age 8 wben hit by a car a d God came to me and brought me back because it wasnt my time and since then he visits me time 2 time and has let me peek into the future .


      4. God created man in his image, then created woman to be a helpmate to man. I am a man, I am made in His image, and I am male!


      5. God still loves you brother
        Blessed be the Name of the lord god almighty Jesus Christ who die for our
        Sins and its Not Lucifer i Rebuke his Name in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ AMEN


      6. You are absolutely right… the one thing tho…the true form of God isn’t a gender, a race, or even “human” . We at times mix ourselves, the flesh and try to put God in one of our categories… the man that we call Jesus was stated to be human and described as a Male. That is the form our God took on when coming to earth.

        The existence of God came way before the existence of man… but we always want to change that order. We show arrogance by reducing God down to our level and that’s part of the reason people are so confused to whom to worship.

        We take the Master Architect GOD…the creator of the whole UNIVERSE and when I say UNIVERSE I’m saying THE SEEN and the NOT SEEN. We as humans are always looking for another human to tell us what should be true or false. The version of the BIBLE we have was created by man… meaning man who came after, sat down and took thousands of “pages” of information and picked the things they liked and picked the things they felt was beneficial to others to gain some kind of order. If we knew the true “BIBLE” then everyone in this world would be able to pull out of us the power that God gave us.

        Think of it this way…. a storage building…and think about the shows like storage wars… You come across this storage unit and you have no clue to the. Contents inside… you just bidded on this unit and won the bid…you get the keys to the lock and later that day you come back to the unit and open it. Here you think you are alone and you lift open the door…. to your surprise you hit the Jack pot, the mother load of wealth everything inside is of value … books, jewelry, inventions priceless artifacts. Then you become afraid and begin to think if someone saw you and if they did ..did they see the contents of the unit also. To protect what you have found you have to come up with a way to share what you have discovered without really sharing what you have discovered… just think about that


      7. The Author of the Bible is the Holy Spirit through men. Yes there’s corruption in the church just like in every facet of life but the truth is in Christ.

        Who created man? Who created the oceans, lands, the day, night, vegetation, the animal kingdom,
        Who then created Woman, sustains us with oxygen, our breath, heartbeat & soul. etc…


    3. This is an old story but it’s true! The devil is SMART! He uses subliminal messages and mostly through music..WHY?? Because before his fall, he was the most beautiful angel of music…till he thought too much of himself causing him to be thrown out of heaven so what does he want more than EVER..to stop us from making it there so he uses people to relay his message through music and other tactics because people won’t believe it!..don’t believe that, go research the monster drinks…the “M” symbol how it’s shaped and what it really means in Greek when they take the m apart …the cross in the “O” n monster n how it’s turnt upside down when you drink it which symbolizes disrespect to the cross where Jesus died….do yourself a favor google it…I’d never drink their products…EVER!


      1. You do realize that everything we know is everything created by us Man.
        We created God.


    4. Yes.. so sad… the deceiver ..I often wonder… people forget that Satan was once an angel with many gifts.. now using those gifts to trick people into believing lies!!! That Jesus was never real?.. my heart is heavy for our youth.. I’m praying so that the youth rise.. there is an unseen unspoken war out there!!!


    5. why would jay-z read a book from his historical slavemaster/oppressor? This is the point of the post. You should go research your own spirituality, culture, before the man who raped your great great great grandmother and gave her that same book you quote.

      Liked by 1 person

    6. Shame on you guys selling ur souls to the devil then you remain without ur soul who are the foolish human beings just because of mullah our real Jesus the he went back in heaven & he will come back here to perish everything which are devilish…& listen Jay z you no longer a human being the devil is a player he have confused you guys & the end you will suffer in hell in devil his place ur boss shame on you


    7. You’re right, there be a time that he will want give his life to Christ it will be too late ,we the children of God have the supernatural life of God in us! The resurrection life
      is at work in our spirit,soul and body! We walk in this newness
      of life,having put on the new man in Christ,which after God is
      created in righteousness and true holiness!


    8. Beyoncé and JZ are practicing Methodists. My cousin married both of them and are their spiritual advisors. It is a sin to bare false witness against others!!


  2. Jay Z obviously hasnt read the story of King Nebuchadnezzar in the Bible & will end up eating grass like he did..or flames & smoke.
    He truely is a tool being used by satan.& will end up knowing one day that his god has no true power other than to lie to, manipulate & deceive people & that he is now controlling his mind & leading him to eternal destination devoid of any light or love!
    ‘Don’t fear him who has power over the body..rather fear Him who has power over the soul & the body’.


    1. Jay Z with all your money and influence you are lost. Yes God did create Lucifer, and if you continue to read the story it plainly tell you what happened that the lier was cast out of heaven him and the other fallen angels. And you do know what happens to him in the end. Just know our prayers to God are not just for money, or material things but a life style to treat ppl with dignity and respect. God answers prayers everyday. Today he answered you he allow you to get up be careful ppl who you listening to remember Satan is a lier from the beginning


      1. Soooo…heaven is going to be filled with finger-pointers and judgemental people like you, huh?
        Wow you did a great job at losing another christian faith believer, if not several hundred with this rant.


      2. Awesome 👏!! Young people beware!!
        The love of money is the root of evil!! I’d rather have my God, his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I guess I’m that dummy!! I love this dummy.


      1. “What should it profit a man if he gain the whole world … and lose his own soul.”


  3. Jay z u the dumb ass u r rich cause soles your soul to the devil guy so watch what the hell u say u dam fool


    1. Are u 4 real? Jesus is made u “which is old news”.There is no hell,bout of which u cannot prove exist. Not Can u PROVE any cartoon character ever lived with DNA,BIRTH RECORDS,FOSSILS, A NAIL A PIECECOF CHIPPED WOOD NOTHING. And you spread the lies like the Sheppard who acts as if he’s protecting the sheep from death and danger. When it’s the Sheppard who is the one who that is a danger. Making sure nothing r no one kills the sheep b4 he does.


      1. I going down town and find a retarded homeless person bring them back here to translate what you just wrote! SMH.


      1. Belief has no place where truth is concerned.

        I don’t believe in anything.

        Know yourself.




    1. These are very twisted people to believe in the devil. Lord have mercy on there souls. Damned to hell.


  4. If this is true Fuck Jay Z by the way if Tupac or Biggie were alive Jay Z would not be where he is today over rated when the two best Rappers left people were thirsty and he took advantage of there death.


    1. They are birds of the same feather. I am not overly impressed by their music,talkless their intellectual capacity. But, i blame those who listen to their music. Nothing there


    2. God loves everyone (fools, babies and etc). Even if your doing wrong he loves you. Remember he died on the cross for us and 3 days later he arou se. God is an awesome God all the time. He may not come when you want him but he’s always on time


    3. I would rather be poor then worship the devil. I know what awaits me in the heavenly Kingdom of which Satan was once a part of but he wanted to be like God, he wasn’t satisfied with the gifts that God blessed him with and now his forever damned to hell and so will his followers be with him burning in the eternal fire gnashing their teeth.when death is at your door what will all that riches help. Absolutely nothing. To God be the glory.


  5. I don’t believe in religion and I don’t look down on people who do, but if you believe this story you are truly a sheep


  6. Jay z is going to burst hell wide open. Dumb people worship satan are absent minded and confused. That’s why they serve a false god.


  7. Imagine Jay z ranting and taking God’s glory, glorified Lucifer also canvassing for Satan brother Jay should also remember that one thousands yesrs of man is just but a day before God
    if at all brother Jay can leave to reign for that periods of time,I had also realized that nothing like absolute freedom,Jay might be saying he is erexcising is freedom in the land of the free and the home of the bold America
    but I will want to assure him that nothing like absolutely freedom,
    All is riches and what ever he’s saying are his personal effort is like a candle wax before our God and it can melt away in a split seconds.


  8. God created all things and made them for His pleasure. God is watching you hoping to see you change and come to the knowledge of the light. Jay Z what shall it it profit you will you have the world and yet in future you’re in the end burning in the fire that never stop


  9. Your guys gullible… Who ever wrote this is feeding you nonsense. Don’t always believe what you read. I’m not siding with Jay but look for facts. He without sin shall cast the first stone.


  10. It’s rather unfortunate when you know the true creator and only God and yet worships the created, who drifted from his original path. God’s Grace and mercies are available while we have life, be a partaker of it, before the next slip takes you down into eternal damnation.
    Jesus still saves, he has not stopped redeeming.
    You can say or think otherwise, it doesn’t change who he is.


  11. Greetings Jay Z, now that you have acquired the wealth are you ready to acquire the riches. You can’t take the wealth with you but you can take your riches. I have so much to tell you my young master. You were bold and courageous enough to speak your truth as you believe it without public approval. That’s a great start on the path to spiritual freedom. I am sound and Light on call day and night Eric s l.


    1. In the beginning there was darkness, then came the light that created sound. Thus creating life. Darkness is light turned inside out.


  12. It’s clear when they invented Jesus the plan os a success because i see emotional filled comments thats full of fear…Jesus is grown folks Santa Claus…


  13. I dont believe what this creature believe, coz what i know God is there watching as from a distance… so u keep your nonsense with yöu,though you are rich but yöu are experiencing insomnia


  14. Black folks and other folks like his music and lyrics… bought his CDs and attended his concerts for an enormous price… his half ass smart ass made investment in this capitalist Amerikkka… and got rich! That is all ! Fuck the dum Shit! I listen to him bout as much as I listen to dem pimps in da pulpit!! Live your best life! Bye!


  15. That is why money is the root to all evil. All that money. They just announced that Jay-Z is the first billionaire rapper. West now you…smh!!


  16. There is more to satanism than you think, I am no satanist or do I follow any other major religion. How ever I have done my share of research and I’ve read many bibbles. They all tell the same story. The adversary of Judaism was known as satan, which means enemy or opposite. If you look at the the origin of these stories you can find that Lucifer and satan are not the same. One is just a symbol and the Latin root word Lucifer translates to lus, which in Spanish means light. Now in the bibble it mentions that satan (not the devil , the devil is a human construct made up by people to place fear in your lives) disobeyed God and he was cast out of heaven , where he once ruled armies of God, and was sent to our solar system. Technically making him creator of this realm. This might be one of the oldest religions known, because it predates Judaism and christianity. Remove everything Hollywood, religion and major media( run mostly by jews) has tought us about the devil. For all we know we have been lied to for over 2000 years. Deception was caused by religion. Jesus christ was created after fallen and crucified pegan gods, such as Odin. Why is it that our weekdays are named after these gods ? B4 this there were multiple gods. Maybe Jay Z has a point. Aleister crowley was a master of black magik. He was at his highest point of spiritual evolution. It is no wonder he have drastically stopped evolving. What if satan is good and God is bad ? Wake up people there is a psychological warfare set up and we are vulnerable to its influences. Dont be a sheep be a wolf. This goes way deeper than the eye can see.


  17. All i’ve got to say to this is, i only came into being as a baby knowing nothing about how it all began. How the earth was created, and neither have i seen hell nor heaven. But the fact remains that i was born of a Christian family, baptized as a Christian and will remain a Christian till i die.
    What i am trying to say is, i do respect where i am coming from be it good or bad. Even if i am a smart bad one, i will still respect where i do come from. So do i wish Jay-Z to do so. If he is born of Satan, he should be of Satan. If he is born of God, he should please be of God. Respect where you do come from. Don’t stray away yet. Fuck where ever you think you got your wealth from you don’t even know who is saying the truth or who is a liar. We’ve not seen the last yet. There has been a lot that has been said in this world. But i am only listening and living away my life the way i want it. Jay-Z be strong and don’t be led away of anything you know not of.


  18. This is fake news; I’m not in anyway supporting or defending satanism; There is no video of what JZ said and there’s no mainstream media outlets which corroborates these major claims.


  19. Go back to africa n preach your darkness of Lucifer he may have captured ur soul n your material listic life ur a demon in descise trying to recuit for evil n ur your going to loose in this last war were going to have which is GOOD vs. Evil AND EVIL WILL GO DOWN IN FLAMES HAHAHAHA FUCK SATIN LOL LOOOSER


  20. I’m no Jay-Z fan but did anyone check to see if this article was telling the truth? He has a song called “Lucifer,” but the song doesn’t praise Satan. Rather, it deals with the death of a friend, thoughts of revenge (which Jay Z blames on the devil), and chasing Satan off the Earth. The main hook of the song is: “Lucifer, son of the morning! I’m gonna chase you out of Earth.”
    Jesus? What have you actually studied what you claim to believe in? The letter “J” was not introduced until approximately 1560ce. There was no one with that name 2000 years ago. The names Mary nor Joseph existed during that time period. What is the name of the Christ? How can you worship in truth when you don’t even know the truth.
    Before calling someone a fool make sure you are not the one being fooled.


  21. The more alienated one gets from the life that is in Christ,, the more obserd the comments get about Jesus Christ.. How does jz account for all of the brilliant minds that have converted to Christianity
    (I.E.The Apostle Paul),, one of the most brilliant minds to ever live,, just to give one example among countless others? They make these darkened comments because they are in darkness and cannot receive the light of the Word of God! This is why the resort to name calling and attempting to shout down anyone who dares to stand on biblical principles! The Bibile is right,, And jz is stunningly wrong! Yall mad?😉


  22. You didn’t give an example of a brilliant mind you gave a name. You read an article and took it as the gospel. Reading your comment I can tell you have done that with the Bible as well. There was no Jesus Christ. The name Jesus wasn’t even in the Bible until the 1500’s. Neither was Mary and Joseph. Scripture says change nothing yet those are the examples of changes in a book that was changed before it was given to you. 14 books have been removed from the original Bible. Your belief is your belief. When you start claiming fact do your search first. Study to show thyself approved yet most only study what they are told they are allowed to study.


  23. I have just lost all respect for Jay z. As of today I will not purchase or listen to his music. See that billions has went to his head and will go to his grave. I guess money is the root to all evil. I will pray for that soul in hell. It makes me a believer that the illuminati exsist and to hell with all him fame and success. When it is all over for him I hope hell serves him and his wealth😇smh damn devil


  24. Wow. These so called “stars” actually sold out. That is why people have to be careful who they listen to. People don’t know these stars are possessed with demons and have sold out to this demonic luciferian system. That’s why they have the wealth of this world. But with research of Yahuwah’s word you will know the truth. Jay Z and many of these celebrities have sold their should. Like the Bible says. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?


  25. Christians don’t have CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS: they rely on the white man and pastor to tell them what to do, not themselves. They are too dumb and indoctrinated to use their own brain. If y’all did, no one would have even commented what they did, because SNOPES says this is a LIE.
    This is all FAKE NEWS but y’all jumped on it without even using your BRAIN before . smh


  26. this is all same as Christianity concept , Satan dont have religion or believes it dont recognize people , it the mental manipulation of masses that think they sough the enlightenment, merely just knowledge , that reject any kind of religion , absolute


    1. the onlyl thing that matters is energy, frequency, vibration. In the words of Nikola Tesla, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

      God is a frequency, we give off energy, but christianity is so materialistic and not about spirituality or using the 3rd eye/pineal/chakras, they are at an extreme deficit. BUT it’s for a reason. If christians had the ability to SEE and think on their own, they would not be sheepled and blinded. For religion to work it needs blind faithful followers. Ask the 400 years of ancestors who were beaten raped and lynched while given this b ible. oh wait hell is only for the black man, massa don’t worry about that because he wrote it (and council of nicaea) for his benefit. WAKE UP


  27. J admitted he doesn’t believe in Gd/ Jesus along time ago over 10 yrs I believe. But this he did not say. He doesn’t even speak this way. smh


  28. What is the brother smoking? All I can say is pray that God will have mercy on his soul and lead him to the truth before he dies and plunges into everlasting agony in the Lake of Fire!!!!


    1. no what are YOU smoking that you have ZERO critical thinking skills ZERO ability to research and instead just accept EVERYTHING you read and see as TRUTH regardless if it didn’t come from the primary source themself (jay-z). You are saying “fuck dont even ASK jay-z what he say it’s online it must be true!” this is how you look to everyone else, and what you are doing to yourself.
      If massa say black is ugly you first to believe it and self hate. smh. This is FALSE if you would have done you research, but slaves/sheeple don’t read nothing, don’t think for themself, just believe everything.



    1. yep and sheeple are EASILY MANIPULATED and believe ANYTHING lies and all, sheeple don’t have the ABILITY to think critically on their OWN. that’s why massa/the oppressor loves the house negro so much. they do his work for him


  29. Just a thought if the Bible is the only book that god made to get you to heaven…. and the devil runs earth (according to the Bible) why wouldn’t satan (according to the Bible) burn th e real book and put his own book that would confuse and distract you from getting to heaven…. the problem is no one on this planet knows if there is a heaven or earth. Ppl who want there to be a heaven are ppl that have low quality of life and hope that things will be better in heaven or that their loved one is up there looking down on them while folding to the process of the Bible. It teaches be a servant, be passive, be in fear of gods power, and be in guilt from sins that were brought to your attention by the Bible ( the cure for the disease you wouldn’t know you had if you didn’t read the Bible) Hell was added recently in the last 500 yrs and the book is 2500 yrs old…. let be honest with ourselves in what we can prove…. we are flying spinning inspace traveling through an infinite space and NO ONE KNOWS WHERE WERE GOING… I’m sorry if your not intelligent enough to be honest with your selves and want to believe in something to give you hope that things will get better, but things don’t get better unless we make them better it’s action we need here not prayers…. it’s hilarious to me that ppl pray for what they want and that’s it. No effort they think god will just give them what they want no one gets what they want with out hard work. The book in my opinion teaches weakness and that leads ppl to have less quality of life… not to mention when you go to a church your sitting next to more snakes those few hrs than you do the rest of the week. They want your money church vs state but churches pay zero taxes wake up (govt.=church) controll is the only agenda, for what…? who knows. If you can’t think for yourself others will think for you this is the sauce…99 percent of ppl are meant to be followers.


  30. Bro beleive what you believed in, but come to my place let me show you some poor native doctors working for Satan.
    You became rich through the talent God gave you, and still rich because you maintained the talent.
    Leave Jesus alone. Though church today now made everything seems fake, but the name of my lord Jesus and the creator will never become fake.
    Worship your Satan and let us be bro


  31. I pray for his soul and all those who believe that satan is lord! They will be judged one day and they just might meet their satan in person. Might be pretty hot too!


  32. I will be a dumb ass until I die. Whoever support him is a dumb ass. I will be a broke woman before I worship Satan for money are anything.

    My life belong to My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our father ”GOD.”

    Have a bless day


    1. as we can see, this is how religion blinds us to blind faith without facts for why.
      Maybe we can help remove you from your slave master religion.. the religion given to your ancestors while they were RAPED beat lynched killed and separated from their own spirituality and religion (that wasn’t christianity). Imagine your kids watching a white man rape you and your husband then kill him? This is the man who gave you a bible, without remorse.
      Christianity vs african consciousness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbFdGs4fv94
      Jesus christ never existed (from Pastor Ray Hagins, PhD): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Py3k5eJe0&t=5s
      there will be no rapture & jesus is not coming back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIGmiT78Ye8
      how the christians used the bible to justify slavery: https://time.com/5171819/christianity-slavery-book-excerpt/


  33. i pray to God who made Lucifer or Satan, God is the true power and Satan was created for balance and also to test man out for God,, God even let satan try and test Jesus , and Job,, and the bible was created by man to deceive ,, what was jesus doing for 30 years as they only tell of his 3 years then his death, if true and i believe it to be true that Jesus had a baby with Mary Magdaline an ex prostitute but the elite have taken the true words of God and made a bible to control the masses and get Tithe money to run the church of England corporation,, so i pray to the Boss of all bosses and i have seen true evil and see that society is being manipulated by the elite and Royal families,, Before you believe in false Gods learn to believe in yourself and Give thanks to God for this life we live,, this is why we have Freewill and can choose who we want to believe in and also to live Life as you intend ,,,


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