Wikileaks Exposes Secret Details Of The Trans-Pacific Partnership

If there is one piece of legislation (and in a “democracy”, there is no reason why any one law should be fast-tracked through Congress under the shroud of secrecy) that should be passed in complete openness and in full view of the general public, especially by the world’s “most transparent organization”, it is Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership, a multi-trillion dollar treaty with 29 classified chapters, which – when not if passed – will have an impact on the vast majority of workers in the US, on their wages and living conditions.


And yet, when it comes to the TPP, not only is the text of the legislation under lock and key, but the law’s drafters, primarily US corporations, have made it so profoundly secret, that “many of the provisions will not only be secret before the vote in the House, but will also be kept secret for four years after the bill is signed.  That means we won’t know what’s in it even after it’s passed.”

Curiously, according to Wikileaks, the TPP contains 29 chapters but only 5 pertain to trade. As Red State reports, “Wikileaks will be publishing the entire bill and they have already released the chapter on Investment.  It’s very interesting.  It is written in a such a way as to give multinational companies a huge advantage on trade.  If a public hospital is built close to a private one, the private hospital has the right to sue the country for expected losses.” The chapter on investment can be found here.

It gets worse:


The agreement also regulates the internet and requires internet companies to gather certain data which they will be required to share with certain private companies.  Many of the provisions will not only be secret before the vote in the House, but will also be kept secret for four years after the bill is signed.  That means we won’t know what’s in it even after it’s passed.

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