Mother Faces Prison Time For Refusing To Vaccinate Child

rebecca bredow will be sent to prison unless she vaccinates her son by october 11
A mother, who is standing up for her right as a parent to refuse mandatory vaccines, has been told she will face prison unless she vaccinates her 9-year-old son within 2 weeks. Rebecca Bredow says she has the right to decide whether to immunize her child based on the knowledge she has regarding the dangers of mandatory vaccinations. But after a lengthy court battle, the mom from Michigan lost her appeal and has been ordered by a high-court judge to immunize her son by October 11 or face jail.
Ms. Bredow told TV station WXYZ that she would rather go to prison than put her son’s life in danger by complying with the court order, saying: “I would rather sit behind bars standing up for what I believe in, than giving in to something I strongly don’t believe in. “I believe in the choice of the parent to make the right decision based on their knowledge of vaccines.”
Mirror reports: The mother-of-two added she had applied for a waiver that allows parents to refuse immunizations on the grounds of “religious convictions or other objections”. But Ms. Bredow, from Detroit, Michigan, and her ex-husband Jason Horne then became locked in a court battle over their son’s medical rights. She claimed the pair originally came to a compromise in which their son would not have all of his vaccines during a short space of time, which was suggested by doctors. “It wasn’t until they started grouping them together that I backed off of doing vaccines,” she said. Michigan schools require that students receive vaccinations before entering Kindergarten and up until 7th grade (year 8). According to, the vaccines include protection against Diphtheria, tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, measles, mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, meningococcal conjugate and chicken pox. “I feel angry. I feel backed into a corner,” said Ms. Bredow.
“I feel like my rights as a parent have been taken away. “Why automatically side with the father that wants the vaccines? What about my choice as a mother?” michigan schools require that students receive vaccinations before entering kindergarten
press Michigan schools require that students receive vaccinations before entering Kindergarten According to ABC News, court documents say Bredow was first asked to get the immunizations done September last year but as of this month, they have not been carried out.
A lawyer for her ex-husband Benton G. Richardson told ABC News: “It is our position that this case is not truly about vaccinations. “It is a case about Ms. Bredow refusing to comport with any number of the court’s orders and actively seeking to frustrate Mr. Horne’s joint legal custody rights.” In Britain, the NHS says parents should not be concerned about overloading their child with vaccines. Government-funded Doctors have said there is no evidence that they weaken a child’s immune system and the viruses used in the injections are far weaker than the number of bugs a child would come in contact with every day.

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